Sustainability – A multi-dimensional word

Art-Invest Real Estate stands for long-term value creation in future-oriented real estate. As well as achieving economic success, we also strive to meet our responsibilities to our employees and business partners, to society as a whole and, of course, to the environment. We therefore developed a 4-pillar model of sustainability, which serves as the basis for our daily activities.

Our aim is to achieve sustainable growth and long-term economic success in developing and managing our products and services. As an owner-managed company we act as a fair, transparent and responsible partner.

  • For our stakeholders we create attractive, modern and efficient properties in accordance with the latest standards.
  • The interests of our investors are always incorporated in the management of the capital entrusted to us.
  • Acting compliantly as part of effective corporate governance is very important to us.

We think and act responsibly, striving to reduce as well as offset any negative impact our business activities may have on the environment.

  • Our development projects are actively contributing to improving our portfolio’s ecological and carbon footprint.
  • Our active asset management is improving the efficiency of our portfolio properties.
  • We are promoting digital technologies and innovative business models to conserve resources and increase the utility of our properties.

We take responsibility towards the community – we consider demands and needs as important factors within the context of our actions.

  • We want to play a positive role in shaping urban districts and use our properties to create vibrant places for living, working, culture and leisure.
  • We help our staff in their community involvement and actively support charitable causes.
  • Our involvement in associations, committees and advocacy groups at local and national level helps establish and develop trends and standards

  • We take great pride in our elevated degree of employee satisfaction and are perpetually committed to preserving and enhancing this standard.
  • We have introduced a comprehensive DEI policy (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) that promotes equal opportunities, values diversity and guarantees inclusion in all divisions of our organisation.
  • Annually, all our employees participate in Social Days, contributing positively to society in a concerted effort.
  • We incorporate social aspects into our projects and management entities by designating specific budgets that are explicitly dedicated for social initiatives and programmes.

Our goals

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These goals are examples. All our goals can be found in our Sustainability Report.

In the area of environmental:

  • Since 2023, we have been compensating our operational emissions by financially supporting certified climate protection projects
  • For our entire portfolio, we develop customised decarbonisation strategies tailored to the specific characteristics of each property.
  • Establishing a solid data basis involves gradually equipping our managed properties with smart meter technology (for heating, cooling, electricity and drinking water) and energy monitoring systems.
  • By implementing an ESG tool to record and analyse data within our portfolio, we are setting ourselves reduction targets for various types of consumption.

In the area of social:

  • We take great pride in our elevated degree of employee satisfaction and are perpetually committed to preserving and enhancing this standard.
  • We have introduced a comprehensive DEI policy (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) that promotes equal opportunities, values diversity and guarantees inclusion in all divisions of our organisation.
  • Annually, all our employees participate in Social Days, contributing positively to society in a concerted effort.
  • We incorporate social aspects into our projects and management entities by designating specific budgets that are explicitly dedicated for social initiatives and programmes.

In the area of governance:

  • Our ESG committee, meeting at least four times a year, manages cross-company sustainability issues.
  • Art-Invest Real Estate is a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). In addition, selected funds and assets participate annually in the GRESB benchmark. We strive tirelessly to improve our respective ratings. Our efforts to improve our respective ratings are ongoing.
  • We use ESG due diligence as standard for transactions.

These goals are examples. All our goals can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Our integrated ESG approach


ESG due diligence is a defined standard for every acquisition enabling attractive properties to be acquired with long-term marketability. Refurbishment requirements are included in an economic feasibility analysis to enable energy-efficient and sustainable properties to be realised.


Fund management

Review of properties with regard to taxonomy compliance and ESG aspects, with investor requirements being incorporated. Creating transparency is provided, for example, by GRESB, object-specific reporting, or by fund classification according to Articles 8 and 9 of the Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).



Implementation of new sustainability standards using lighthouse projects. The goal is built-to-last, attractively designed properties providing high standards of quality for occupants. Taxonomy requirements are met and other sustainability issues considered in the goals of property development projects.


Asset management

In addition to tenant satisfaction, the focus during the operating phase is on long-term value retention through proactive action. Asset management and working together with tenants is especially important regarding sustainability. Elements including Green leases, procurement of green electricity, technologies for efficient building operation, photovoltaics, efficient technical building equipment, smart meters, among many others, are used.


ESG due diligence is a defined standard for every acquisition enabling attractive properties to be acquired with long-term marketability. Refurbishment requirements are included in an economic feasibility analysis to enable energy-efficient and sustainable properties to be realised.

Review of properties with regard to taxonomy compliance and ESG aspects, with investor requirements being incorporated. Creating transparency is provided, for example, by GRESB, object-specific reporting, or by fund classification according to Articles 8 and 9 of the Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Implementation of new sustainability standards using lighthouse projects. The goal is built-to-last, attractively designed properties providing high standards of quality for occupants. Taxonomy requirements are met and other sustainability issues considered in the goals of property development projects.

In addition to tenant satisfaction, the focus during the operating phase is on long-term value retention through proactive action. Asset management and working together with tenants is especially important regarding sustainability. Elements including Green leases, procurement of green electricity, technologies for efficient building operation, photovoltaics, efficient technical building equipment, smart meters, among many others, are used.

Fortschritt Info

Our achievements


By financially contributing to selected, certified climate protection projects, we were able to offset 451.63 tons of CO2 equivalents for the Art-Invest Real Estate Funds and 1,880.03 tons of CO2 equivalents for Art-Invest Real Estate Management in 2024. This represents 110% of our operational emissions.

Smart meter

We have already developed bespoke ESG refurbishment roadmaps for approximately 50% of our portfolio. These roadmaps are specifically tailored to the unique features of each property and incorporate customized strategies for decarbonization.

Our committment

Our social commitment in Germany is organized on a decentralized basis, giving each branch the autonomy to support a local passion project. During our Social Days 2023, 275 employees nationwide dedicated their efforts to a good cause. The Social Days 2024 are already in full swing, with initial projects, including collaborations with BUND and Diakonie Michaelshoven, successfully realised.


Art-Invest Real Estate has been recommended as an employer by approximately 90% of our (former) employees on Kununu, which equates to a rating of 4.3 stars.


Whether through Social Days, various sponsorships or the Christmas Tree of Wishes – it is close to our heart to be socially involved. If we have piqued your interest, you can find the details of our commitment in our Sustainability Report.

We have further developed our original Manage to Core strategy. With our Manage to Sustainability strategy, we are able to realise economical, future-proof properties that are operationally environmentally friendly and resource-saving, with the social aspects of users in their DNA from the very beginning. This increases value retention, efficiency, satisfaction, comfort and utility value.

From MTC to MTS!


  • Factoring in economic efficiency using the Manage to Core approach (MTC)
  • Measures for a property based on EU taxonomy requirements (Environmental 1 – Climate Protection)
  • Developing efficient operations to conserve resources
  • Active management for the further development of the property
  • Taking social aspects into account according to project-specific requirements


  • Compliance with regulatory requirements on the capital market for taxonomy-compliant real estate
  • Compliance with the regulatory requirements for funding under the Disclosure Regulation
  • Providing regular ESG reporting
  • Providing the standard services of a capital management company (e.g. portfolio management, annual reports, etc.)

Our highlights

Macherei Berlin Kreuzberg

The Wood Carré

The eight-storey office and commercial building is characterised by an emission-saving timber hybrid construction, which is supplied climate-neutrally by a biogas-powered CHP unit. The outdoor terraces, the planted roof areas and the large green inner courtyard create a high quality of stay.

  • Embodied carbon 485,90 kg CO₂/m²
  • Operational consumption & emissions
    Primary energy demand 81,90 kWh/m²a
    Emissions during operation -17,75 kg CO₂/m²a
    Final energy demand heat 50,80 kWh/m²a
    Final energy demand electricity 37,10 kWh/m²a
    Energy source / heat supply Biogas CHP
  • To the project page:
All data subject to change as it is data of the current planning status.

The Design Tower

Refurbishment instead of new construction and demolition. The ecological revitalisation of the 90 m tower alone preserves 45,000 tonnes of reinforced concrete, and photovoltaics on the south façade and roof maximise solar energy generation.

  • Embodied carbon 452,50 kg CO₂/m²
  • Operational consumption & emissions
    Primary energy demand 99,56 kWh/m²a
    Emissions during operation -2,94 kg CO₂/m²a
    Final energy demand heat 76,69 kWh/m²a
    Final energy demand for electricity 36,45 kWh/m²a
    Energy source / heat supply District heating
  • To the project page:
All data subject to change as it is data of the current planning status.

The Zero CO2 House

The M60 is operated in a completely CO₂-neutral manner thanks to the photovoltaics on the roof and the technical enclosure as well as the solar surfaces on the roofs of the residential buildings behind it. The recyclable ceramic facade enables direct reuse at the end of the life cycle.

  • Embodied carbon 972,70 kg CO₂/m²
  • Operational consumption & emissions
    Primary energy demand 85,60 kWh/m²a
    Emissions during operation -40,20 kg CO₂/m²a
    Final energy demand heat 91,50 kWh/m²a
    Final energy demand for electricity 24,60 kWh/m²a
    Energy source / heat supply District heating
  • To the project page:
* The high embodied carbon value of the M60 is due to the PV systems being located on external land.
All data subject to change as it is data of the current planning status.

Reporting & guidelines